
Post 7>>>> Changes to my study programme

 Hello, Today you will talk about Changes to my study program. Well I think I have a lot to say about this, since this semester is not going as expected, I feel that I will use this post to complain hahaha. I think that a little before I entered the architecture career they changed the name of some branches and modified their duration and so on. I think they shouldn't have done it, I feel that the previous curriculum would have been better learned because it lasted two semesters, for example a workshop that now lasts one semester, before it lasted a year, classical culture of architecture lasted much longer and so on. This semester has many cuts and I feel that everything is very fast and I cannot fully understand the subject, maybe it is my problem, since I am very slow for those things, but I do not think it is fair. I think everyone is in a hurry trying to finish everything very quickly. I would like the time to be able to study and have a good time during this process, I am a r

Post 6>>> Time to travel

 Hello Today I will talk about time travel. Since I was very little I've been interested in a lot of things like that, time travel, creepypastas, dross videos and stuff. I think there was a time when I was really obsessed with it hahaha. I think I would like to travel in time, I really hope it is like interstellar hahahaha, that movie left me very scared of what could happen and of the vastness of the galaxy. I think I would like to travel to the future, I see that it was up to me, to see the technological advancement found, I think I would like to take a trip to other galaxies like in the movie I named. I find it really interesting. Maybe I will also travel to the past and see how all the natural places were before the buildings and so, like in the movie Lucy hahahaha, I think I'm making a lot of references, I'm seeing a lot of movies ... Thanks for reading <3

Post 5>>> My dream job

 Hello Today I will talk about my dream job. I really don't think much about the future, I'm more of a day-to-day thinking only, I think that helps a lot sometimes not to stress so much hahaha, but thinking about it now I think my dream job would be one in which I don't do much, The truth is that I still have not found something that I am so passionate about that I decided to put all my effort into it, but as I see that things will continue, perhaps I would like to have an architects office in another country, to be able to see other places. I feel like maybe if I try things that I don't think I would like, it could be that I end up liking it more than necessary. There was a time when I helped my cousin to do her work for the institute, she was studying nursing and that really interested me, maybe I would like that, but I don't know, everything is very confusing !!! Thanks for reading <3

Post 4 >>Free themed post

  Hello, as this blog is free I think I will talk about the movies / series that I have seen and that I liked a lot. Well to start I would like to recommend a series / anime that is one of my favorites, it's called 'Nana', it's about two friends who decide to live together, it's very good, I cried a lot. Another series that I saw completely with 9 seasons and 188 chapters, is comedy, it's called 'The office' the premise sounds very boring, but I had a lot of fun, my humor is very basic I'm sorry hahaha, well this series goes from a company that distributes paper, hahaha it sounds really boring but it's very funny. One series I'm currently watching is' Dr. House ', the truth is that I occupy it more as a podcast than as a series, but it serves to distract you, I don't think I should give you a summary, I think everyone knows what it is. It's not one of my favorites but it's not bad either. A movie that I would like to recom

POST 3>> My favorite meal

Hello, today I will talk about my favorite food! My favorite food without a doubt is noodles, noodles with any type of sauce !!! They are so tasty and so easy to make, just put them in boiling water and wait 10-15 minutes. It would only remain to add some type of sauce or perhaps just like that with a little salt and that's it. I really like the noodles for their ease of preparation and combination with other salty flavors. I think the combination that I like the most is noodles with red sauce and lettuce salad, I think that is my favorite food of all my life. I think that in a certain way if they affect my "routine" of eating, whenever there are noodles and there are leftovers I cannot avoid eating them! Thanks for reading, I hope you have a nice weekend <3


 I think I will talk about the music that I like, well about some Chilean artists that I like and that are not very well known I think. Well, speaking of the artists, I think the band that I like the most at this time is Fabiancito band, he started as a soloist, but now it is made up of four more people I think, if they decide to search to them, listening: Sin morir, Rosas and Ramona.  Another band is Super Special, they have been around for a while, but I would still like to recommend them to them, I like the songs about them: Nada Nada, Caja Negra and Fiesta ideal.  One last band that I would like to recommend is Los Valentinas, the singer before her band studied architecture and I am excited to know that !!! Well, I recommend you listen to: Alguna Solución, Señora Civilizada, Serpiente y C Name. I would like to talk about many more artists, but I think I will never finish ... I hope you listen some one of them, because they are very good !!!!!!! Thanks for reading me :)

POST 2: Why did I choose my major

helloooooo, I'm going to tell you how choosing my career. The truth is that I don't remember many things from when I was little, but my mom helped me remember what I wanted to be when I grew up, she told me that I wanted to be a cashier, I think my whole childhood revolved around being a cashier. After that, when I was around 10 years old, my father told me about the different professions that there were and I remember that I was very fond of architecture. I stayed with that until I was in high school, I started to like psychology, but this was very temporary, after that in the last grade I thought about engineering, but I did not like it very much. Architecture was always my first choice. When I started studying it was very difficult for me, I was not used to organizing my study times, but I can say that in my second year of this I am handling it very well. Some time ago my cousin who is studying nursing asked me for help with a job and I think I really liked it. I've been