POST 3>> My favorite meal

Hello, today I will talk about my favorite food!

My favorite food without a doubt is noodles, noodles with any type of sauce !!!

They are so tasty and so easy to make, just put them in boiling water and wait 10-15 minutes.

It would only remain to add some type of sauce or perhaps just like that with a little salt and that's it.

I really like the noodles for their ease of preparation and combination with other salty flavors.

I think the combination that I like the most is noodles with red sauce and lettuce salad, I think that is my favorite food of all my life.

I think that in a certain way if they affect my "routine" of eating, whenever there are noodles and there are leftovers I cannot avoid eating them!

Thanks for reading, I hope you have a nice weekend <3


  1. Hi Fernanda, noodles with bolognese are the best in the world! but with white sauce they are also delicious, try them with pink sauce (cream with paprika) regards!

  2. Hello Fer, I think the same way as you, they are so easy to do and they taste so good at the ame time! It is the best

  3. I like the red sauce a lot, but I prefer the tomato salad, it is a very good dish

  4. Noodles are really delicious, they are one of my favorite dishes too. And because of their simplicity and speed of preparation they are a good option for when you don't know what to cook jaja.


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