I think I will talk about the music that I like, well about some Chilean artists that I like and that are not very well known I think.

Well, speaking of the artists, I think the band that I like the most at this time is Fabiancito band, he started as a soloist, but now it is made up of four more people I think, if they decide to search to them, listening: Sin morir, Rosas and Ramona. 

Another band is Super Special, they have been around for a while, but I would still like to recommend them to them, I like the songs about them: Nada Nada, Caja Negra and Fiesta ideal. 

One last band that I would like to recommend is Los Valentinas, the singer before her band studied architecture and I am excited to know that !!! Well, I recommend you listen to: Alguna Solución, Señora Civilizada, Serpiente y C Name.

I would like to talk about many more artists, but I think I will never finish ...
I hope you listen some one of them, because they are very good !!!!!!!
Thanks for reading me :)


  1. I have not listened to the other bands but I think I have listened to black box :o

  2. Chilean music is very good, I will really listen to your recommendations, thanks for sharing! ✌👐👌

  3. Hi Fernanda! How r u? Woahh, It's been a while since the last time that I heard (well read) about Super Especial. I remember that I knew the album "Super Especial" when I was in the Highschool. Honestly, my favorite song of them is "Evasiva". Also, thank you to show me "Los Valentina", I didn't know this band and I liked the songs you recommended.
    In that sense, If you like this kind of music maybe you could give a chance to "Friolento". It's a Chilean band too and has really good songs and covers.

  4. I love the band Super Especial, I have many songs from them on my playlist. How cool that someone else likes it.

  5. Chilean music is so special to me 'cause in this type of bands I can feel chilean's spicy, said it in some way. I'll listen the band you recomend, it's sounds interesting :)


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