Post 4 >>Free themed post

 Hello, as this blog is free I think I will talk about the movies / series that I have seen and that I liked a lot.

Well to start I would like to recommend a series / anime that is one of my favorites, it's called 'Nana', it's about two friends who decide to live together, it's very good, I cried a lot.

Another series that I saw completely with 9 seasons and 188 chapters, is comedy, it's called 'The office' the premise sounds very boring, but I had a lot of fun, my humor is very basic I'm sorry hahaha, well this series goes from a company that distributes paper, hahaha it sounds really boring but it's very funny.

One series I'm currently watching is' Dr. House ', the truth is that I occupy it more as a podcast than as a series, but it serves to distract you, I don't think I should give you a summary, I think everyone knows what it is. It's not one of my favorites but it's not bad either.

A movie that I would like to recommend to you 'Interstellar', you really will not regret having seen it, it is too good, it is well known, but it is worth mentioning it, this is about a former pilot who worked for NASA and in the Earth is running out of resources so he has to help in a mission for them, the movie is very long, but it's worth it <3.

Thanks for reading me.


  1. I have seen a lot of clips from The Office that are so funny, but I've never watched the actual serie, I am going to give it an opportunity.


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