Post 7>>>> Changes to my study programme


Today you will talk about Changes to my study program.

Well I think I have a lot to say about this, since this semester is not going as expected, I feel that I will use this post to complain hahaha.

I think that a little before I entered the architecture career they changed the name of some branches and modified their duration and so on. I think they shouldn't have done it, I feel that the previous curriculum would have been better learned because it lasted two semesters, for example a workshop that now lasts one semester, before it lasted a year, classical culture of architecture lasted much longer and so on. This semester has many cuts and I feel that everything is very fast and I cannot fully understand the subject, maybe it is my problem, since I am very slow for those things, but I do not think it is fair. I think everyone is in a hurry trying to finish everything very quickly.

I would like the time to be able to study and have a good time during this process, I am a really responsible person and I think that even so I cannot reach the time. Maybe I should change my study times, but I am in conflict with this, because I want to keep my social life.

Regarding the use of technology, I think that with the pandemic it helped us to anticipate many things that were happening elsewhere, but still. So there are many gaps, for example today I did an exam in which they were sent before a certain time and I sent it on time with what I had, but there were colleagues who sent it half an hour later excusing themselves that it was a connectivity problem and so on. I think that's really unfair.


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