Post 5>>> My dream job


Today I will talk about my dream job.

I really don't think much about the future, I'm more of a day-to-day thinking only, I think that helps a lot sometimes not to stress so much hahaha, but thinking about it now I think my dream job would be one in which I don't do much, The truth is that I still have not found something that I am so passionate about that I decided to put all my effort into it, but as I see that things will continue, perhaps I would like to have an architects office in another country, to be able to see other places. I feel like maybe if I try things that I don't think I would like, it could be that I end up liking it more than necessary. There was a time when I helped my cousin to do her work for the institute, she was studying nursing and that really interested me, maybe I would like that, but I don't know, everything is very confusing !!!

Thanks for reading <3


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