My favorite photo is one where an artist called Xoda appears that I liked, he was known for making videos playing video games, I think he no longer makes content, but in his time he was very popular, one of the most famous in Chile.

The photo was taken by her girlfriend to upload it to the artist's photoblog at that time when it was used hahaha, a long time ago, it is an old photo.

I like that photo because it says what I like about sushi and the artist makes it very funny, I think it is a great photo, I like the pose of the artist, he looks fresh and cool.

I always usually post it because I always want sushi. I really like sushi a lot, I could eat it daily, but there is no money :(.
That is the story of my favorite photo, it is not a great story.

Thanks for reading me.


  1. HAHAHA I remember when Xoda was the crush of half my friends.Currently Xoda is still alive, he makes parties for those who have been in his facebook group for more than a year. I would like to go to see what happens. (⊙_⊙;)

  2. OMG I was a fan of this guy in 2013!! I was an expo only for meet him and I have an Autograph of him and a photo, but I always preffer the meme photo that he is on a motorcycle hahaha, I'd love it!!!

  3. A hard decision between this photo and the motorcicly yellow, an iconic picture of xoda, but with the background in this story I thing this is the best Xoda photo ever.


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