POST 1 > A country you would like to visit



I hope you are well !!

I'm not sure if I really want to visit a country, but a country that interests me a lot is India, I think its culture is so different from what they have imposed on us and I find the way they see things very interesting.
What I know about India is that there are more than 300 million gods, for everything there are gods, I also know about the story of the god Krishna, but the story is too long to tell now.
If I were to go I think I would visit the Taj Mahal, its history is also very curious. I think I would just like to visit him on vacation, I feel I could not get used to the rhythm of her life.

I hope I can read them, have a nice weekend!!!


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. India must be such an interesting country to visit due to the differences between Chilean and Indian culture. I really hope that one day you can go there!!

  3. I would also like to visit India, their culture is amazing!
    But it is true their rhythm of life is very different from ours.

  4. India looks crazy! I understand that more than 19,500 languages or dialects are spoken in India as mother tongues. Go to india must be a really enriching experience.

  5. India is so rich in culture. You made me wanting to visit that country as well!!

  6. Hi Fernanda! I would like to visit India and attracts me its exotic culture and architecture too. I think the same as you, I only would travel to India on vacation, I don't think that I would like to live there

  7. India definitely have a interesting culture, and with your post I'm interesting to know more about this country


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