Hello, I hope you are well!

Today I am going to talk about the good and not so good things of this year / semester.

Well, I think I'm going to start off positively. Speaking of good things, yesterday they sent me the final morphology notes and I PASSED, I was so happy, I decided to celebrate it by eating pizza :). I think I will pass all the bouquets and that makes me mega happy.

Apart from that this week I felt very good because I presented in the workshop and it went well, I am still ashamed because I get stuck a lot when speaking but my teachers are so good that even if I do not express myself well they told me that my progress was good, they put me very happy.

I think I could not talk about other things that made me happy outside of university, my life has focused only on that since I entered, if I think about it a lot it makes me feel a little bad, because there is almost no time left for other things , I only think about the university, even though we are on break week, I can't mentally rest.

Well, everything is for the millions; $.

Good week off, rest those who can !!! hahhahaha.

Thanks for reading me. <3


  1. You undertood this life, we can be happy with little things and not more :3

  2. Hi friend, the same thing is happening to me at the moment, I feel very bad for only thinking about the U and leaving aside many things, on the other hand, I'm glad you did well in your classes, good luck!

  3. Hi Fernanda, I hope you're feeling well.
    I'm very glad that you have passed Morfo and all your classes in general. I'm sure you're very happy about it and I'm glad you're.
    Don't be anxious about not knowing how to express yourself or because you find it hard to speak in front of others, it's a process that little by little you get better, and I'm completely sure that you'll get there and then you won't have a problem with it.

  4. Congratulations on passing your courses, in the beginning I only focused on the U and did not think about anything else, but definitely not giving so much importance to the U and relaxing is much healthier.

  5. so happy that you passed your subject and that your teachers have been so understanding, there is no shame to feel, as your teachers said you are making progress and that is all that matters


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