
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


 Hello, I hope you are well! Today I am going to talk about the good and not so good things of this year / semester. Well, I think I'm going to start off positively. Speaking of good things, yesterday they sent me the final morphology notes and I PASSED, I was so happy, I decided to celebrate it by eating pizza :). I think I will pass all the bouquets and that makes me mega happy. Apart from that this week I felt very good because I presented in the workshop and it went well, I am still ashamed because I get stuck a lot when speaking but my teachers are so good that even if I do not express myself well they told me that my progress was good, they put me very happy. I think I could not talk about other things that made me happy outside of university, my life has focused only on that since I entered, if I think about it a lot it makes me feel a little bad, because there is almost no time left for other things , I only think about the university, even though we are on break week, I ca


I think my favorite field so far was fundamentals, although sometimes I did not like the teacher I consider her to be a good teacher, she made it interesting and also complicated, but I like challenges hahaha. During her class we watched movies and documentaries related to the class and the topics that came out were great. There was a class that made us present and I think it was very great, I also got to meet people from my section and I think that made it pleasant, the first semester was very lonely and that branch made me feel better. Regarding matter, we talked about the history of architecture, we did very creative activities, on the other hand, the evaluations were terrible, I have the theory that this teacher does in all her branches a test that is worth a lot and very difficult for one get a low grade, and then one last job so you can do your best at it. Now it seems like a lot of fun to me, but at the time I had a hard time, I think that's how her system is in all lines We