
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021


   Hi, I'll tell you what is my favorite technology. Well, I think the technology I like the most is computers. I have had 2 computers throughout my life, the first when I was in my seventh year on high school, la juna gave it to me. The second one, which is the one that my parents gave me as a present at the end of the previous year. I usually use it to do university work, also to watch movies, series, anime, etc. I think I don't really use it at its maximum power. I use it every day, I think there are weekends when there is no chore, I don't use it, but that doesn't happen. I like it because it is very fast and comfortable. My life without him would be the same, only that he would occupy the cell phone, which is not so easy or favorable for my eyesight, i  don't have good eyesight :(. Thanks for reading me!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello,  I will tell you about me. I was born on August 12, 2001 and have lived my entire life in Santiago, Chile. In the future I hope to escape from Latin America. I studied at the high school 7 of Santiago for 6 years, I graduated in 2019 and immediately started studying architecture. I am in my second year of the degree and I hope to finish it. I entered the race because I really liked it since I was little, but I don't know if I like it now that I'm studying it, anyway I hope to make myself feel good to continue. In the future I hope to work on this and then dedicate myself to finding something that I really like. About my family I live with my dad and my mom, I have a younger brother who is sixteen and a younger sister who is eleven years old. I get along regularly with my brother, with my sister we get along very well despite the difference in ages, as she is small she is always curious about the things that I like, so I talk to her about my music, series, movies, etc. .